Daam Cab:
Compound of calcium and boron combined with carboxylic acids (for permitting).
Calcium is a non-active element in the plant. The deficiency symptoms are present in growth areas such as the growing Al-Marstimiya. The compound plays a major role in treating calcium deficiency and boron. It also activates the flowers, pollination, and contractions, as well as the root mass. Boron facilitates the transfer of calcium inside the plant.
Daam Ca B treat the symptoms of calcium deficiency on the leaves, which appear in the form of wrapping the leaves, and consequently the small size and fall.
As well as on the fruits: Warp fruits cucumber and black heart mold in beet and molded syphilitic party in tomatoes and Watermelon and affected by the lack of apples, Daam Ca B treated with high efficiency.
Daam-Ca B also plays a prominent role in the treatment of calcium deficiency, which leads to the deficiency of the expansion of the cell wall and thus loses the cell strength and shape and facilitates the penetration of pests and thus infects the plant with various diseases.
Calcium is found in Egyptian soils, but it is not suitable for absorption. Therefore, the use of Daam-Ca B overcome this problem, and the presence of boron helps to early in the crop because it helps the speed of fertilization processes as well as early maturity.
Daam Ca B is highly soluble and has no residual effect.
Calcium 12.25 %
Boron 0.68 %
Foliar Application: 150-300 cm 3/100 liters of water 2-3 times per season.
Soil application: 1 - 1.5 liter / fed 2-3 times per season.
It is recommended to be used in all crops: citrus, apples, grapes, olives, vegetables of all kinds and field crops and decorations.
Toxicity: Daam Ca B can be mixed with most commonly used products except for compounds containing phosphate and those that give alkaline effect.
Safety period: a safe compound has no grace period.
1, 5 and 20 Liters.
Do not ingest
Avoid any contact with eyes and mucous
Keep away from children
Wash with water and soap after applications
Do not eat, drink or smoke during the application
Note: It is recommended to check with an Agronomist or Technician if you need to change or adjust dosage.