- High-potassium liquid fertilizer in the form of citrate, which makes it quick absorption by plants and thus the speed of the effect, especially the stages of maturity.
- Works to increase the content of fruits of sugars.
- Improves the qualities of quality and increase the coloring, growth and homogeneity of vegetables and fruits.
- Increase the content of tubers of starch and increase the outer crust of tubers (potatoes), which prolong the storage period.
Potassium ( K2O 5 %
- Celery, eggplant, citrus, carnation, endive, fennel, lettuce, apple tree, melon, olive, table grape, pepper, rose, tomato and wine grapes.
- It is beneficial to use it in the moments in which the crops consume this element in greater quantity (ripening of the fruits, formation of reserve organs), lignification of shoots). The use of BacK-K prevents possible deficiencies that once manifest cause irreparable damage. Favors the assimilation of Calcium and Magnesium.
- Foliar application: 150-200 cm / 100 liters of water.
- Fertilization: 2 liters per acre to repeat every week during the ripening feast.
1, 5 and 20 liters
Do not ingest
Avoid any contact with eyes and mucous
Keep away from children
Wash yourself with water and soap after applications
Do not eat, drink or smoke during the application
Note: It is recommended to check with an Agronomist or Technician if you need to change or adjust dosage