Vision :
To be an entrepreneur company provide fertilizer, pesticides and integrated solutions for agriculture production, with a focus on safety, quality, increase productivity and positive contribution to national economic growth and development. We care of the environment and the communities we work in while continuing to create shareholders' value.
Mission :
To be the preferred fertilizer and Pesticide Company for farmers, business associates and retailers by providing quality products and services.
To provide employees with an exciting, enabling and supportive environment to excel in, be innovative, entrepreneurial in an ethical and safe working place based on meritocracy and equal opportunity.
To be a responsible corporate citizen with a concern for the environment and the communities we deal with.
Who we are
In 2013
Fert Land has been established by a group of experts in Agriculture sector motivated by the passion of serving the huge mass of Farm sector, speed growing population, and a lot of challenges to increase productivity per unit area and the challenge of total cultivated area continuous declining.
From 2013 / Present,
Fert Land has exposed a sustainable growth of sales and number of products introduced to the market to fulfill customers’ needs.
Values & Behaviors :

Our actions are driven by honesty, ethics, fairness and transparency.

Teamwork & Sales Force
- Through our Sales force we provide a growing market reach in NRL (Cairo – Alex Dessert road and east Delta), we develop a strong relationship with different segments of the market through trusted Technical support and proven high quality products with reasonable and competitive prices.
- We developed a simple data base to gather information for better understanding of Market norms and our customer needs and behavior to provide the best solution that will deliver highest value in our products and services.

Fert Land has been established by a group of experts in Agriculture sector motivated by the passion of serving the huge mass of Farm sector, speed growing population, and a lot of challenges to increase productivity per unit area and the challenge of total cultivated area continuous declining.

Fert Land, 104 Faisl, Mariotia, Giza
Tel : 00201201359202
Fax : 0020237405794